Hello friends! Aren't you glad we all made it through last week alive? From what I keep hearing, it was a rough one for just about all of us.
I've been a bit nerved myself and haven't posted much lately. So today I thought I would share with you a little story about what I did last Saturday. With pictures and everything! Woo hoo. I can hear your excitement! Here goes.

I started the day off by
finally clear coating these two signs that I painted for my little cousins. They raise chickens and are totally obsessed with the whole process of it. These are to hang on their chicken coops. {and, yes. I thought up those little slogans all by myself.}

My mom came down and took some photos for me so I could list some new items in my
Etsy store. Whew! That's a lot of work. Making, photographing, listing. It takes forever. But the results are usually worth it.

Then, while rushing around to get ready, I ran slap into this big ol' chest that sits at the foot of my bed. My husband's grandpa made it for us as a wedding gift. After hitting one of those sharp corners, though, I cussed it for a good ten minutes and even kicked it a few times for good measure.

This is what came of it. A nice knot and bruise that is still sore and blue and swollen over a week later.

I did all this while getting ready to go to this wedding. Which, by the way, was the best wedding I have ever been to. I am not a wedding person {gasp!}, but this one was awesome. Those are two of our close friends. Everyone in the wedding party wore their cowboy boots and the bride's three year old daughter walked her down the aisle and gave her away. Oh my Lord, it was the sweetest thing in the world. ~The End~
So, my dears, that is what went down last Saturday in the world of Miz November. As for the week in between then and now, I don't want to talk about it.
Much love and hugs and stuff. I'll be seeing you later this week. :)