Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wish Big

Have you ever wished that you had a little creativity fairy hovering over your shoulder? pushing you to try that new idea. whispering affirmations in your ear. sprinkling "anti-procrastination" fairy dust on you. Yes? Me too.

I would dare to say that everyone has some sort of creativity inside of them. Whether it's art or music, literature or cooking. Us humans are all born with a special little spark of imagination. But all too often, the burden of real life can dim that spark. Your big dreams and ideas get lost in a pile of laundry and bills. Sadly, some of us end up forgetting all about our creative side.


Don't let life make you forget your good ideas. Don't let it kill your big imagination. Don't lose your creativity! Right now, on the Bright Side Project, you can enter to win a class with Mondo Beyondo. It's an online class that will help you foster and grow your ideas and dreams. How cool is that? Super cool, right? Just like having a creativity fairy flitting about your head. Go check it out and enter to win. And definitely check out the Mondo Beyondo website, too. Classes start Monday, the 11th, so hurry up.


E said...

I read somewhere once that children use something like 95% of their creativity every day, but once in adulthood, it drops down to about 5%. Something like that anyway. Depressing. I hope you win that online class and the creativity fairy sprinkles creativity fairy dust all over your shoulders (and it's magic fairy dust, you see, you don't even have to waste time cleaning it up!).

JMay said...

Wish big is right. Great post lady!

I really like your blog, will be following.

Hannah Sadie said...

certinaly wish I had that anti-procrastination fairy, haha. love the photo :)

Crystal @ Plush Palate said...

Such a great reminder to stay connected to our creativity! Thanks*
